I've got a few jobs on at the moment. I'm creating a new logo and rebranding Itchen Valley Brewery, it's not a big company so it's not too complicated. Here's some stuff I have been working on. It needs some more work, but I'm pretty happy with the way it is heading.

They wanted to include the shape of their pump clips into the logo, which is why the logos are the shape they are.
To be honest it's not really my favourite type of work, but it's nice to be working on something thats actually going to be put to use.
I'm also creating something fun to decorate the WSA union toilet doors with. Alot of people are creating work for the union for the next year, so its going to be pretty amazing and everyone must check it out.
Today I have been asked to create the freshers pack for the 2010 freshers, which I'm really excited about, I am completley free to do what I want, which is brilliant. I have some ideas which involve 3d glasses which will be pretty cool. Once I have something to show, I will post about it, but you will have to wait until the official launch of fresher week to see everything.